Passages 1 second edition student book pdf free download

Bertha Herrera. Kevin Grajales. Victoria Freitas. Fernando Galindo Maciaas. Show More. Views Total views. Actions Shares. No notes for slide. Passages 1 teacher's book 1.

Total views , On Slideshare 0. From embeds 0. Sean 2. Lisa 3. Have you ever had problems like these? What other problems do people have with sleep and energy levels? I alw ays put off studying unt il the night before a t est. I stay up all night st udying, but after I've been working day and night that, I still don't do ver y well. It's going we ll, but I'm feeling so wo rn out. I'm worried about my health.

Whenever my friend s call or text me late at night, we chat for ho urs and hours. The next I get so nervous before I have day, I can't keep m y eyes open!

I and then I'm not at my best. B Pair work Imagine you have one of the problems in part A. Take turns asking for and giving advice. Giving advice "I have a real problem. I've been working a lot on this project, and Have you ever thought of going I'm so wom out. A Read the paragraph. Then choose the best topic sentence from the list. File Edit View Insert Format Tools Table Window Help - -- -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- -Morning people jump out of bed in the morning, cheerful and full of energy.

They seem to get most of their work done before lunch. On the other hand, night people have trouble getting up in the morning. They often drag themselves through the day and reach their peak in the evening. Night people, who often stay up until or A.

Early morni ng is a bad time of day for most people. Morning people and night people live very different lives. Working at night is hard for morning people. Night people get enough sleep even though they go to bed late. B Read the paragraph and complete the topic sentence. Playing sports - - -- - -- -- - - - - - - - Usually, I play soccer or basket ball.

Kicking a soccer ball around clears my head. When I'm playing, I don't think about anyth ing but the ball. Later, I feel relaxed, I'm focused, and I'm ready to concentrate on my homework. C Choose one of these topics or your own idea. Then write a paragraph with a topic sentence. Can you guess what your partner's topic sentence is? Choose the statements that are true for you.

I sometimes lie awake at night. I'm lucky I can get by on six hours of sleep, considering that most people need eight. I'm a light sleeper, so any little noise wakes me up unless I'm really tired. I can manage on five hours of sleep, as long as I take a nap during the day.

Unless I get a good night's sleep, I can easily fall asleep at school, at work, or even on the bus. I always set two alarm clocks just in case one of them doesn't go off. I only wake up early if I have somewhere to be in the morning. I never have any trouble sleeping. I'm exhausted every morning, even if I slept great all night.

B Pair work Compare your answers. Which statements are true for you? I can't help it. I replay everything that happened during the day. I do the same thing, especially when I'm feeling stressed. Whenever I try to take a nap, I end up sleeping until the next morning. But let me ask you something. What do you do when you feel drowsy after lunch?

I sometimes lie awake at night, even if I'm really tired. Considering that introduces causes and reasons that explain the main clause. As long as introduces a condition on which the main clause depends. Unless introduces something that must happen in order to avoid a consequence. Just in case introduces an undesirable circumstance that needs to be taken into account.

I wake up early only if I have somewhere to be in the morning. Can you find more clauses stating reasons and conditions? B Match the clauses to make sentences.

C Complete t he sentences with information about yourself. Unless I have enough sleep at night,. I can't think very clearly in the morning. I usually wake up on time, as long as.. I fall asleep pretty quickly at night, considering that. I always have a boring book on my night table just in case Even if I'm extremely stressed out, I never I only leave a light on if.

Whose dream do you th ink is scarier? What is each person's dream? What do they think the dreams mean? Complete the c hart. Kate Sergio C Pair work What do you think their dreams mean? Do you ever have similar dreams? J The meaning of dreams A Read the information. Match the dreams with their possible meanings. B Pair w ork Read these accounts of unusual dreams. What do you think they mean? When Interpreting meaning I looked down, I was amazed to see hundreds of I think that means.

The balloon probably stands for.. I asked a man for help, and he held up a It might symbolize. Take turns adding sentences.

A Group work How many hours do you think people should sleep? In the days before electricity, people didn't worry much about sleep. They usually went to bed a couple of hours after sunset and woke at sunrise. Even if they stayed up, there wasn't much to do in those days after the sun went down. But then came the electric lightbulb. And now we have the Internet, smartphones, stores that are open , and longer hours at work. How much can we sleep? Like it or not, many of us are sleeping less on average.

In , most Americans slept nine hours a night. That dropped to seven hours by In , a study by the National Sleep Foundation found that the average American got only 6. The news is even worse for people who work the night shift They sleep an average of just five hours. Are we sleeping enough? Not if you believe in the old formula of eight hours of rest, eight hours of work, and eight hours of play. On the other hand, Neil Stanley, a British scientist who studies sleep, believes people's sleep needs vary.

Some people need as many as 11 hours, but others need as few as three. How much do you really need? Feel rested? That's your sleep need. A group of scientists is studying a gene found in some fruit flies that lets them get by on one-third the usual amount of sleep. Other researchers are developing chemicals that are more powerful than caffeine, the chemical found in coffee and tea. One experimental drug, ,.. CX, kept laboratory monkeys working happily and accurately for 36 hours.

Future breakthroughs may allow people to stay wide awake for several days straight. The implications of this research are huge.

On the one hand, this could lead to a world where we work longer and longer hours with less and less sleep. On the other hand, if we needed less sleep, we would have more free time for travel, sports, personal goals, and family. To sleep or not to sleep - that may soon be the question. What scientific research is mentioned in the article?

What surprised you the most? What surprised you the least? How much sleep does Neil Stanley think a person needs? What effects did the experimental drug mentioned in the article have on laboratory animals? Do you think you get enough sleep? What things keep you from getting more? What do you think would happen if scientists found ways to let people stay awake longer? Would people be happier? Explain your answers. Match the descriptions with the pictures.

Are you enjoying the party? B Pair work Do you know any people like the six types above? What is it like to have a conversation with them? She's really nice, but I guess she just gets excited about the conversation and wants to jump in. It can be very annoying. These sentences can also be restated with gerund phrases.

It's rude to ignore your conversation partner. Ignoring your conversation partner is rude. It's a good idea to try out different topics. Trying out different topics is a good idea. The word considered may also follow be in this kind of sentence. It's considered impolite to interrupt people. Interrupting people is considered Impolite. It's customary for the complimenter to say Saying nice things about others is customary nice things about others.

Can you find more sentences that begin with gerunds? Try to change them into sentences beginning with it's. B Rewrite the sentences using infinitive or gerund phrases. It's inappropriate to talk about politics at work or school.

Talking about politics at work or school is inappropriate. Using certain gestures is impolite in some foreign countries. Asking someone's age is often considered rude. It's not unusual in the U. Hugging friends when you greet them is customary in many cultures.

Asking strangers if they're married is inappropriate in some countries. J What' s appropriate? Write the correct symbol next to each word. Discuss these situations using the words and phrases in part A. You kiss people on the cheek when you meet them. You and your classmates interrupt the teacher. You stand very close to people when you talk to them. You and your parents talk honestly and openly.

Your best friend calls you after 11 P. You start a conversation with a stranger on a bus or subway. Select the topics that are appropriate for small talk in your culture. B Group work Imagine you are at a party. Start a conversation with one person, keep it going for one minute, and bring it to a close. Then find a new partner and repeat. How's it going? Hey, did you see that soccer game last night? Hey, I should get going, but I'll call you later. See you later. Can you believe this weather?

Sorry, I've got to run. Talk to you soon. It was great to meet you. Do you know many people here? I should get going. I'll call you later. Who is speaking in each one? What closing phrase is used to end each conversation? An outline is usually written in reduced sentences or in notes and provides a general plan to follow when you write.

A Read the paragraph about a cultural rule in Japan. Then complete the outline below with information from the paragraph. What additional information is incl uded in the paragraph but not in the outline? Speaking on a cell phone in some public places in Japan is considered impolite.

When receiving or making a cell phone call, most Japanese step away from the people around them. If that's impossible, it's customary to speak softly and use your hand to cover your mouth.

Announcements on Japanese trains constantly remind passengers to switr. This is because people dislike being bothered by noise. Not everyone follows the rules, but most people do. The other day, people were glaring at me for taking a call in a cafe, and one person even scolded me. I was pretty shocked, but then I thought about it.

Listening to others talking on the phone is irritating. There is a good reason why Japanese people use polite behavior when speaking on cell phones. Then exchange outlines and answer the questions. Is the outline in a logical order? Does the outline provide enough information? Is there anything else you would include? C Pair work Use your outline to write a paragraph about the cultural rule. Then exchange paragraphs and answer the questions. Does the paragraph follow the outline?

Is the cultural rule c lear? What suggestions do you have to make it clearer? What do you think they should do about each situation? B Group work Have you ever heard someone talking about you? What did you do? A Read the information in the chart. Would you rank each person in the same way? Living in a "perfect" world without social ills, a boy approaches the time when he will receive a life assignment from the Elders, but his selection leads him to a mysterious man known as the Giver, who reveals the dark secrets behind the utopian facade.

The Workbook provides additional practice through six-page units covering target grammar, vocabulary, reading, and writing skills. Skip to content. Passages Level 1 Student s Book. Author : Jack C. Author : Chuck Sandy,Jack C. Passages Level 1 Full Contact A. Passages Workbook 1 Answer Key. Passages Level 1 Presentation Plus.

Passages Level 1 Workbook A. A Look at the information about blogs. Then read the post below. I the things this blog does or includes. Weird Ideas I was surfing the technology blogs this morning to see what unusual gadgets are out there these days. I found aQlQg that rated some new inventions. There sure is some weird stuff! I mean, they have these blankets with sleeves. You can sit in a chair with the blanket over you.

I guess a few people might buy them. Maybe the same people who bought electric potato peelers. Then I started looking at the new electronic gadgets. That just got me depressed. C Group work Take turns reading your blogs and discuss these questions.

Whose entry is the most interesting or entertaining? What are some reasons why people write and read blogs? And most are full of misinformation. B Pair work Compare your answers with a partner. Do you think the government should regulate any of these things? A Where do you find these forms of communication? Put them in the columns. Then add another expressIOn to each category. B Pair work Which of the above are the most useful ways of communicating information?

The least useful? Do you find any of them annoying? Use negative questions or tag questions to offer an opinion and invite someone to react. I get e-mail on my cell phone. A Look at the starting point on page 58 again. Find the two tag questions. Why do they have different endings? B Pair work Turn the statements into negative or tag questions. Then ask and answer the questions.

Discuss your answers. They should get rid of those banner ads on the Internet. It would be great if there were fewer billboards. Teachers should ban text messaging during exams. The are too many channels on TV these days.

Miltions of people are aclclictecl to the Internet these clays. B Group work What problems are caused by modern information technology? Agree on the three most pressing problems and tell the class. What is the report about? Would you like to have one? Never be away from the Internet again with Googler Goggles!

These Internet glasses use the latest technology to allow you to enjoy wireless Web access. Finally, someone has invented a universal translator. It not only gives you directions to any place on earth, it also keeps track of your family and friends.

Group work What new gadgets are becoming p opular? Which ones do you like? What new gadgets do you think will come out in the fu ture? Pair work Imagine that a stranger asked you for money to help payoff a frivolous debt. Would you help? Then read the article. She was officially broke.

Karyn decided that it was time for a change. She built a website and simply asked people to help her out by sending her a buck or two.

On the site, Karyn honestly explained her situation, Gucci shoes and all. Her website was visited by more than a million people. She was on TV and in newspapers and magazines. She was offered a book deal and a movie contract. And of course, she was able to payoff her credit card debt.

She also sold her designer clothes on eBay. In her closet, where the Gucci purses once sat, Karyn kept all the letters that people have sent her. Imitators have sprung up all over the Net, some with outrageously selfish requests like a BMW or a house. Actually, however, Karyn was not the first person to put up a website asking strangers for money.

Karyn also had thousands of enemies and critics. People sent her hate mail and scolded her on websites. Why was Karyn in financial trouble in June ? What was her main solution to her problem? What else did she do? Why did so many people respond positively to her website? Do you think Karyn was unethical, or was she simply clever? Pair work How much creativity do these jobs require? Number them from 1 most creative to 4 least creative. Explain your choices. Inventing new dishes requires a lot of creativity.

You never know what might go wrong once the operation starts. Complete the chart With the correct nouns or adJectives. Pair work Which of the above qualities are most important to your job or studies? Discuss with a partner. You can shorten a relative clause by dropping the relative pronoun and the verb be.

You can also drop who I that and change the verb to the gerund. A Look at the starting point on page 62 again. Can you make the reduced relative clauses in Exercise B into full clauses? What verb tenses do the full clauses use? B Rewrite these sentences with reduced relative clauses.

Then compare with a partner. Someone who hopes to be a chef should get the proper training. Anyone who wants to be an actor needs both talent and luck.

A person who works as a comedian is always looking for new ways to make people laugh. People who are clever enough to get inside the mind of a criminal would make good detectives. Anyone who dreams of becoming a champion athlete has to be prepared to do a lot of hard work. Someone who is interested in classical music might be a good musician. A person who is responsible for a large staff has to be able to be creative. C Complete these sentences using your own ideas. Accepting the status quo bores you.

You see mistakes as learning experiences. You often have good ideas, but you prefer to feel them out with friends before taking action. You prefer to stick with the triedand-true, which helps you feel safe, but you may get left behind in later years. A Listen to Samira, Alex, and Naomi talking about their occupations. IIS emng What does each p erson do? Read this composition and decide where the writer changes focus. Write a where two new paragraphs should begin.

Lucy Gomez is the most creative person I know. She started piano lessons when she was only 6 years old. At school, she was always creating interesting projects in her art class. When she was only 12 years old, she won a citywide poetry contest. Her parents were very proud of her.

Lucy works as a sitcom writer for a popular TV show now. She works with a group of writers, and together they have to think of original ideas for stories. They also have to come up with funny dialogue for the actors on their show, because the actors have to play believable characters that will make the audience laugh.

It is not an easy job, but Lucy does it well. She starts work late in the morning and often works until 7 or 8 at night. Lucy is very curious. She likes to travel and meet new people who have opinions that are different from hers. She usually carries a notebook with her and writes down what she sees and hears. She tells me that these new experiences are a good source of ideas for her work. I always enjoy talking to her and am happy to know someone as knowledgeable and creative as Lucy.

Brainstorm ideas for a composition about someone who is very creative or who is unique or different in an interesting way. Answer these questions to help you. In what ways is this person special or different? How does this affect his or her life? Would you like to be like this person? Are the paragraphs divided where they should be? Is the focus of each paragraph clear? Is there any additional information that you would like to know that was not included?

Everyday objects A Read about these unusual uses of everyday objects. Have you ever used them in these ways? Who do you talk to when you need to find a solution to an important problem? When was the last time you analyzed a mistake you made? What did you learn from it? You can use non-defining relative clauses with which to make a comment about an entire sentence. My roommate is a slob, which is why I want to get my own apartment.

A Look at the starting point on page 66 again. Find more examples of these grammar patterns and notice how commas are used. B Match these statements with the appropriate non-defining clauses.

Then compare with a partner and write two similar statements of your own. My son made a robot costume for. What inventions or discoveries do you think have had the greatest impact on modern life? B Group work Compare lists with your group. A Look at the pictures. What do you know about these products or services? How do you think they were developed? Listen to these stories about the invention and development of the products above. Bill Bowerman.

The summer heat can be deadly for infants and the elderly. II What modem machine do you think Daisuke Inoue rea mg invented? Then read the article and check your answer. In , a loyal client asked Inoue to escort him on a company trip, but Inoue could not attend. With this device, Inoue gave birth to the karaoke machine. I am just resourceful.

I Simply put things that already exist together. Who would consider patenting something like that? I always say that if her husband were any good at singing, he would be making a living at it. At weddings and company gettogethers, the karaoke comes out and people relax. It breaks the ice. Daisuke Inoue is also the subject of a movie about his life, called simply, Karaoke.

The film was released in Japan and starred a good-looking actor. David McNeill, Sophia University. Would you have the same attitude as Inoue if you invented something p opular and received no compensation? Why do you think karaoke has become so popular around the world? What information surprised you? Both like TV, except that the typical.

Both groups are fairly different, except for the age. Use while, unlike, and in contrast to in order to present contrasting information, especially in writing. Unlike the Japanese, Italians seem to drink a lot of bottled water.

In contrast to Italian drivers, Japanese people drive on the left. Use except that , except for , and except for the fact that to show an exception.

Both like TV, except that the typical Japanese person watches more of it. Italian and Japanese people are fairly different, except for the age they get married. Japanese people typically consume less, except for the fact that they drink more tea. Look at the starting point on page 70 again. Notice the sentences that use phrases with except.

Which phrase is followed by a clause? How are they different in other places? Write sentences showing contrasts and indicating exceptions. When people in the U. Most people in Canada have cereal and milk for breakfast. Most people in Korea who study a foreign language choose English. In the u. For people in Italy, lunch is the main meal of the day. Women in Spain usually shake hands when they meet. In contrast to most of my friends, While a lot of the people where I live. I have visited a foreign country.

I use public transportation. I keep a daily personal diary. B Group work Use the expressions above to describe three famous people from the past or present. Give reasons for your answers. He stood up for his beliefs and was even willing to go to jail. Answer the questions. What examples does Yoshiko give for how she is typical? In what way is she different? What does he like to do that makes him different?

Does Suzanne give an example of how she is different? If so, what is it? Do you think Yoshiko, Renato, and Suzanne believe they are more typical or different from most people their age? C Pair work Do you tend to go with the flow or be your own person?

Discuss these questions. How do you feel about changing jobs or schools? Do you try to have a unique look in clothes? Updated to offer fresh, contemporary content, it provides many opportunities for expansion of listening and speaking skills, as well as reading skills development, a step-by-step academic writing strand, a new Grammar Plus section with additional grammar explanation and practice, and a new learner-focused self-study section. The course helps learners communicate both accurately and fluently while providing challenging content to develop their higher-level thinking skills.

Passages, Second Edition, provides an ideal follow-up for students who have completed a beginning to intermediate course, and it is carefully coordinated to function as a sequel to Interchange Third Edition, the world's most successful course for adult and young-adult learners of English.

Student's book 2. The Passages, Third Edition, Presentation Plus classroom presentation software makes it easy to deliver engaging, high-impact lessons that will keep students focused and engaged. Presentation Plus allows teachers to embed links to other components or websites, and save their lessons to a portable drive to take with them wherever they go.


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