Desktop Enhancements. Networking Software. Trending from CNET. Download Now. Automatically generate a vocabulary list from a text sample. Sort the vocabulary list alphabetically or by word count. Export the vocabulary list to HTML. Export the vocabulary list to Quiz-Buddy to memorize those words that you select. For each individual word, see a list of all the sentences where it is used. Quickly translate words and sentences. Add translations, definitions or comments to each word.
Full Specifications. What's new in version 1. Excluding filters are configured just like including filters but are processed afterward and remove all matching lines from the set.
Excluding filters allow you to easily refine your search even further. Markers : Markers are another way that TextAnalysisTool. NET makes it easy to navigate a file; you can mark any line with one or more of eight different marker types. Once lines have been marked, you can quickly navigate between similarly marked lines - or add a "marked by" filter to view only those lines.
Find : TextAnalysisTool. GitIt Free. DarkMoonX Free. Advanced Encryption Decryption Free. Advanced Recovery Companion Free. Additional information Published by Ryan Tremblay.
Published by Ryan Tremblay. Approximate size Age rating For all ages. Category Developer tools. This app can Access your Internet connection. People also like. JustWrite Free. Typing World Free. GTSoft Notebook Free. Modern Notepad Free. What's new in this version NEW: Counts character or words.
Features Returns the number of characters, words, sentences and paragraphs of a text. Additional information Published by nitima.
Published by nitima.