Ffx-2 guide pdf download

More topics from this board Angie Johnson rated it it was amazing Jul 12, This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Purplefairy22 View Profile View Posts. From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki. War had broken out between Zanarkand and Bevelle. Yuna was such a summoner, however she and her guardians defied the teachings that were set in place, taking another approach. Where would you say this game FFX Really begins?

As to be expected, Major Numerus is not in the bestiary. Keep me logged in on this device. Successfully defeating Sin for what they prayed would be forever bringing on the Eternal Calm.

Categories: Food. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Note: You can spend as much as you want since It doesn't have to be successful for it to count towards this achievement.

Full Chain Achieve a 99 chain attack The best to use this is against Chac, the snake boss that appears on the 80th Floor of the Via Infinito. After your first fight, she will appear as a random encounter starting at the 71st Floor. When going into the fight, you'll want all three of your teammates with the Thief dressphere. From there, auto-haste is welcomed, but not required.

Using haste during the fight is NOT recommended. Once the battle starts, space out their attacks so that they continually attack one after the other, interrupting Chac from attacking. Once the chain hits 99, you'll get your achievement. Throwing millions of gil will easily net you 99, damage. There are two: The harder one is 'The End' Grid for completing Shinra's Bestiary, but only requires you to pass through two gates. The easier one is Higher Power which you get from obtaining the Amazing Chocobo.

Go into any battle, change dresspheres until you pass through the gates required for Break Damage Limit, then throw million gil and you're guaranted to land 99, damage. Alternatively, you'll need to max out stats, go into a fight against a weak monster, lower its defense or magic defense depending on what moveset you want to try.

Some of these may require a critical. If you're having trouble with max strength or magic, I suggest killing Trema and using his Iron Duke accessory. Meaning if you've never escaped, this move does 99, damage.

Then you can use either the Two Dice skill or the Four Dice skill. Obviously, using the 2 is easier. Use it until you land the same digits on both dice.

But I'll list five easy ones for that you can try to get. I'll only list their Chapter 5 locations to prevent people from accidentally messing up their story completion. You cannot use a fiend with it and having it cast it onto you. Dresspheres use AP to level up. AP is earned by attacking an enemy, killing an enemy, healing teammates if they're damaged, using items that actually have an effect. You can see the percentages by going into Abilities then selecting a character.

Note: Gun Mage does not need all the Blue Bullets. Songstress requires the Magical Dances from Chapter 5. Last Mission is accessed through the main menu of the launcher. What is it? Consider following us to show your support and if you want more guides like this.

How do I interpret the tool to check my percentages? Some texts are red or blue and crossed out. RoarOfTheEarth 15 Sep pm. I don't know if this is said in the guide and I missed it, but you need to go back to the mi'ihen highroad after you complete the machina quest on mi'ihen highroad in chapter 3 in order for shinra to place a commsphere here. Tweak 15 Sep pm. Well first off I'd like to say what an amazing guide you did here!

I used it on my run through and got everything i needed. Secondly, on that achievement, I did find out it was possible if YRP is 99, just a lot harder, so i definitely still would recommend doing that achievement sooner than later like you say in the guide. Damage oneenemy according to the usefsEXPlevel. Critically damage oneenemy. Dealgreater damage to enemies with highdefense. Damage allenemies. Critically damage allenemies Guards against Darkness.

Guards aqainst Sleep. Extends thetimeallotted f0rTrigger Happy. Extends thetimeallotted forTrigger Happy. Whilc aThiefis neither strong nor sturdy like some ofthe qpical "attacker"types,the Thiefs high Agility and Lvasron makesit easierto sidestepmany physicalattacks. By stealingirems and using the "PiJferGil" ability during everybattle, a Thiefhelps the parry aswell m plentv ofgil.

Stcrling is one of rhe best meth to amassan overwhelning supply ofmcdicines, bombs, consumablesand accessories, ods to gain powertul equipment early in the game.

During combat, spend the lirst fcw turns steding items and gil from each enemy on the battlefield. In particulrr, bossesusually hold powertul accessories that can only be gained by stealing,so keep a Thief in the partt rt al1times.

Steal gilfromoneenemy. Steal lnflictStopononeenemy. Steal Steal lvlPfromoneenemy. Always stealitemslromoneenemy. Steal InflictBerserk ononeenemy. Cause oneenemy to fleefrombattle. Aidtheparty's dropping items. Raises theparty's chance of a preemptive Guards against Slow.

A Gun Mage can expose the weaknessesand current status ailments or benefits of r single enemy or ally with the "Scan' ability. Gun Mages leam a variety of"Fiend Hunter" skills that enable them to deal greater damage to certain gpes ofenemies more easily. Gun Mages also have the unique ability to learn the special attacls of enemies and use them in battle.

When an enemy uses a special ability to attack a Gun Mage durirg combat, there is a chance that an active Gun Mage will learn the enemy's skill ight on the spot. Io battle. For the rest of the batde, attack or perform "Fiend Huntet' abilities, if the qpes of fieods that the Gun Mage can atrect are presenc Always bring a Gun Mage ifyou want to leam new "B1ueBulleC abilities.

Petrify allenemies. HPandlVlP fromoneenemy. Attack withbullets containing'fiend skills. Viewdetailed to Helms. Dealquadruple damage quadruple to Birds andWasps. Deal damage quadruple to Lupines. Deal damage to Flans. Dealquadruple damage to Elementals. Dealquadruple damage Dealquadruple damage to Reptiles. Deal damage quadruple Deal to lvlachina. Culsthetimerequired whencasting Allows usert0 rotate targets Scan.

Goon lnllict slalus ailments onallenemies. Tonberry Damage allenemies. Cactuar Damaqe allenemies. The main function of a Warrior is to hit enedes hard and bring doran large amounts of enemy HP with eaci strike.

A Watrior can also make many enemies easier to defeat by lowering their attacking power, defense, and spell casting abilities. None Damage oneenemy andlower itsIVlagic. None Damage oneenemy andlower Defense. Armor Break oneenemy anddelay greatly Delay Attack Damage oneenemy and delayitsaction.

Haste, Shell, andProtect onthepafiy. Take damage firedamage to oneenemy. Deal Dealicedamage to oneenemy. Deal lightning to oneenemy. Dealgravity damage 21 Attack lVx Stash Item An Alchenist has the ability to help the parry make the most oftheir items. The "Mix" abilitvenablesan Alchemist to combine any trvo itcms For grelter effect.

For example,a Potion and a Hi Potion can be cornbined to achievc the effect of l Mega Potion, rvhich restores HP to each pargvmember simultaneously. An Alchemist can so learn to createextra items and use them during a baftlc. In ary battle, have an Alchemist attrck until a need for mixing or healing arises. Ifall the enemiescan be affcctedby some statusailment, thcn mix up the appropriatebomb and launch it at them.

Ifyour party gets into trouble, have an Alchemist mir up restorative items or create new items by using hcr "Stash"skills. Combine twoitems forvarious results. Usea spare Poti0n thaty0utucked away. Usea spare Hi-Potion thatyoutucked away. Usea spare IVlega-Potion thaty0utucked away. Usea spare X-Potion thatyoutucked away.

Usea spare Remedy thatyoutucked away. Dispel thaty0utucked Usea spare T0nic away. Phoenix Downthatyoutucked away. Usea spare Usea spare lvlega Phoenix thatyoutucked away. Usea spare Ether thatyoutucked away.

Usea spare Elixir thatyoutucked away. Doubles thepotency 0f recovery items. Doubles thepotency items. The Samurai is surprisinglyagiie in spite ofthis weapon and evadesmany attackswith surprising ease.

However, the weight ofthe weapon makesit more difficr. Lltto hit flying or cvasivetargets. Thus, a S. During combat, use a Samurai to strike enemicsand causemassivedamage. Ifthe enemiesshow unusually high defenseor if they castbeneficial status-raising spe11s, use the Samurai's"Fingersnap,""Nonpareil," and "No Fear" abilities to elevatethe Samurai to the fiends level. None gil. Inflict damage ononeenemy's lvlP None Haltthepending action 0f oneenemy. Dismissal Damage oneenemy. None Damage allenemies.

Sparkler Dealincreasing damage asyoudeleat moreenemies. Sparkler Instantly defeat allenemies. Sometimes lvlomentu m Raise theuselsStrength andAccuracy. None CastShellandProtect ontheuser. Nonparerl Restore HPandcureuserof slatus ailments. NoFear Raise Evasion andcastHaste 0ntheuser. Clean Slate ,fails. Instantly defeat oneenemy. J tJ rt i,:. As is the hw in the nether realms,the Dark Knight can sacrificeHP or her own life to dcfeat cncmies. On the next turn, the Dark Knight can regain some ofthe HP sacrifrcedbv using the "Drain' ability The "Charon'ability enablesa Dark Kllight to sacriliceherself ro inflict heary damageon a snrglefoe.

Horvevcr,the Dark Kdght is rcmoved lrom your party for the rest ofthe battle, and wil not gain EXP following a victory'. Use "Charon'only as a last rcsort. The Dark Knight can also make herselfimmune to many statusailments by learning a complete set ofauto abilities. During batde, have a Dark Knight use"DarLness"to damageall of the enemiesrt once,followed by a regular attack on a single foe. Sacrifice HPto damage allenemies.

Absorb HPfromoneenemy. Petrify oneenemy. Poison oneenemy. Doom oneenemy. Enemy is KO'd when thecount reaches 0. Instantly defeal oneenemy. Sometimes lails, Randomly damages enemies. Sacrifice lifeto heavily damage 0neenemy. Guards against Poison. Guards against Petrificatton. Guards against Confusion. Guards against Curse. Guards against Death.

Couple this fiom the other prJty members. None Boost theuseisStrength butlosecontrol of heractions. Cripple Damage oneenemy andnullify Shell, Protect, andReflect. None Instantly defeat oneenemy. Sometimes fails. Crackdown Inllict damage andSlowon0neenemy. Cripple physically Strike backafterbeing attacked. None Strike backatterbeing attacked withmagic.

Counterattack physical Evade attacks andstrikeback. Magic Counter Automatically castsRegen. For example,while a Songstressis prcscnt,you can blind the entire enemv p. The Songstresshas no abiliq to attack or heal unles she is equippcdwifi the proper Garment While equipping and nasrering rhis dressphere,it's a good idea to cquip acccssxiesor Garment Grids that allow vol, to use the aft1ck or Grids or accessories.

If r Songstresscan't inflict status ail'ncnts on an cncmy due to immunities, use "Sing" abilitics to boost thc attributes ofallies. I andMagicalDances, V0l. V lunell is obtained theExperinentmachine at Dj]se TenpleduringChapter 5, whenthe boss'sAttack,Defense, andSpecial by defeating paraneters areallatlevel5.

Inflict Silence onallenemies while dancing. Reduce thepany's IVPcostto 0 whiledancing. None Double theparty s maxHPwhile dancing. Sleepy Shufile Inflict Slow0nallenemies while dancing. None Inflict Stoponallenemies while dancing. SlowDance Sustain a Haste effect 0nthepartywhiledancing.

SlowDance Thepartyinflicts critical hitswhileyoudance. Carnival Cancan party's Raise the Strength. None Raise theparty's Defense. None Raise thepafty's Magic Defense.

None Raise theparty's Evasion. Perfect Pitch 31 'i-. Control olsuch encrg,r'weighs heavily upon the physicd framc, so charadersequipping the Black Magc dresspherewi have higher MP but lower HP rnd high Magic.

Wirhout the ability to pcrform physicalattacks,thc Rlack Mage becornesuselesson the battlefreld oncc her MP is depleted. Since the learning ofspe.

By raising 1. During the laner stagesofthe game,many enemies 11bemore difiicuLt to defert due to thcir higherMqic Defcnsc. When plncing thc BhckMge drcssphereon a charactert Garment Crid, conplernent i. This should enable;,our characterto remain use r u l c ,. On the baftlefrcld,the Black Mage dependson the defcnscof"attrcker" tlpes and the support of"hcalcr" qvpes. Never allow more thm one characterto equlp a Black Mage drexphere at a time to avoid throwing olfthc balanceof rhe pary Bcgin each brttle by using "Focus' for stronger sPe[ cllstin8,thcn target spells at one or multiplc cnemies.

Deal firedamage t0 one0rallenemies. Dealicedamage to oneorallenemies. Deal lightning damage to oneorallenemies. Deal water damage firedamage t0 oneorallenemies.

Deal to oneorallenemies. Dealicedamage to one0rallenemies. Deal water damage firedamage to 0neorallenemies. Deal to one0rallenemies. Deal icedamage to oneorallenemies. Dealwaterdamage theuselsMagic. Raise Absorb MPfromoneenemy. Unable to attack under normal circumstances,the White Mage works to prevent the other charactersfrom fdling into KO statusand to remove harmtul statusailments affecting allies. Protectivespells,such as"Protect'and "Shel]," enablea White Mrge to reducethe damagc inflicted on the parry Abilities such as "Dispel" enablea White Mage to level the battlelield by removing stanrsbenefits an enemy may bc using on itselfl 'Reflect" and causesmost magic spellscast on the party to be bounced back at the enemy rvho anempted to cnst it.

While the prcsenceof a White Magc limits the amount oldamage the pmty can inflict on the enemy,it also enablesthe party to survive battles much easier Whitc Magic abilities learned through this drexphere will be usetul throughout the game. During combat, use the "Pray'ability during each combat turn to restoresmall amounts ofHP to the entire parq', even ifsuch restorarionis not required ai the time.

If the pary is sustainingheary damage,use "Cure," "Cura" or "Cunga" spellsto cure one or all parq membersat once. Cast'Protecl' to diminish physical damage,or "Shell' to reducedamageftom mrgic. Restore someHPto theuser. Restore a littleHPt0 one0r allpartymembers. Restore someHPto oneor allpartymembers. Restore a lotof HPto one0rallpartymembers. Cureonecharactefs status ailments.

Negate allspelleffects ononeenemy. Revive oneK0'dcharacter. Revive oneKo'dcharacter andfullyrestore HP Reduce magical damage inflicted ontheparty. Fullyrestore onecharacter's HPandcurestatus ailmenls.

These are the skills thit Ladl' Luck mus. However, ilyou fail to stop the reelson rn eruct irio. Stop the llrst reel on env icon, thcn trv to srof rlie rem'rin nrg rcels on lhc. N o n e 0neenemy Offergilto persuade None twodice. Raise theuser's Luck Luck. Raise theparty's None Confusion onallenemies. Dou bleEXP alterbattle. MagicDelense by2. Bomh ms. As the Trainer fights andlearnsabilities,the pet becomescapableofa wide mriety of spe1lsand actionsto be usedduring batde.

Paine'spheasant,Flurry, allowsher to attack enemieswith powerfirl blows tiat can r! During batde,havea Trainer attack foesto causedamage. Wheo the Tiainels HP dropsor if shebecomesinflicted with statusailments,usespecialskills to recover. Use tLe next round to castprotecdvespellsto Fevent damageor statusimpairments.

None Deal holydamage None Infliclfiredamage andsomelimes Darkness on 0neenemy. Berserk None Inflict lightning damage andsometimes 0noneenemy. Inlliclwaterdamage andsometimes Sleep on None 0neenemy. Kogoro Strike Inflict damaqe andDoomononeenemy. Restore HPto onecharacter. None of allslalusailments. Kogoro Cure Cureonecharacter friends t0 gangup0n0neenemy. None Culs in half. Kogoro Lv. None Inflict damage andDarkness ononeenemy. Inflict damage andSilence ononeenemy.

None None Slealilemsanddamage oneenemy. Inllictdamage on0neenemy. None andBerserk Inllictdamage anddelay theactions of oneenemy. Pesky Ghiki Cureonecharacter of allstatus ailments. Ghiki Pep HPto onecharacter. None Restore Raise 0necharacter's Slrenglh andDefense. None friends to gangup0noneenemy. None Cutsthetimerequired Cutsthetimerequired forGhiki t0 attack in half. Ghiki Lv. Instantly lails. Sometimes Inflict damage andPoison ononeenemy. Restore HP cast Protect.

Restore someHPto theparty. Cure0necharacter 0f allstatus ailments. Automatically restores HPwhilewalking. Cutsthetimerequired t0 attack in half. EpisodeCompbt;s, an extra "trgsieto"cene Ruins is not the last Placeyou visit, i" the last Episodeiomplete acquired,lou will not gain the Maiot drcsspherefor somereason.

Make surcthat Zanarkand or you will be unableto acquirethis valuabledressphere. The Mascot enablesa. Restore None CastHaste andRegen onthepafty. None onthepany. Guards None Automatically casts Shell. Aulo-Shell Automatically castsProlect. None Firedamage to enemies. None Lightning damage 10enemies.

None lcedamage to enemies. Sometimes n. None to enemies. None Lower Defense ofallenemies. Non e Lower lvlagic of allenemies. None L0wer lvlagic DeJense ofallenemies. Lower Evasion oJallenemres. Instantly defeat allenemies.

Sometimes Jails. Guards againsl allslatus ailments. Non e Automatically castsShell. Auto-Shell Automalically castsProtect. Non e skills. Inflict damage andDarkness ononeenemy. Inflicl andSilence 0noneenemy. Inllict damage andBerserk ononeenemy. Inflict andPoison ononeenemy. Inllictdamaqe andPetriiication Inflict damage andSt0p0n0neenemy. Defense, lvlagic, Lower oneenemy's Strength, andlvagicDelense. Instantly defeat oneeneny. Sometimes Inflict heawdamage ononeenemy.

Guards against allstatus Automatically castsShell. Automatically castsProtect. UseSamu Castblackmagic spells. Someportions can castprotectivespellsoa the other parts,and eachcan Syndicateunifoms.

Tlrc tlree portions ofFloral Fa11a1 inflict devastatingmagicattackson enemies. It takestw. Twilight Rain is found in a treasuri:chestbelow the waterfallsat BesaidIsland duiag Chapter 5. P ABII.


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